Getting My Beach Body at Muscle Beach, Venice Beach Playground!

This playground just screams the word "Athlete." So many fun ways to stay in shape right by the ocean at Venice Beach Boardwalk just South of the Santa Monica Pier.

Muscle Beach at Venice Beach, California is definitely one of many places to visit if you want to experience an authentic beach body workout.

You can find everything from body building, gymnastics, playgrounds, skateboarding, bike riding and many places to shop.

No matter the appetite you have there is plenty of foodie places to visit for those post workout meals too.

The image above is from Jody Maroni's Sausage Kingdom Venice Beach Board Walk
Since I always order a California Club back home in Texas I thought I would try out what a REAL California Club taste like!

Mmmm... Eating fresh chopped tropical fruit under the palm trees makes any day a perfect day! We tried a mixed fruit cup topped with coconuts and classic Tajin seasoning. So delicious and mouth watering!

There's something about the salt watered air from the ocean breeze and Vitamin D from the sunny rays that always refreshes and energizes the soul.

This wonderland gym surrounds itself with many years of history within the fitness community and is where many world famous body builders and actors have competed or trained. The Hall of Fame plaques below are so inspiring. You can click on the image below to learn more information about Muscle Beach Walk of Fame.
Visiting the motherland where bodybuilding all began was definitely a highlight to my California vacation.

Once again, the west coast bug has bit me again and Venice Beach, California is where my heart is!